
Safe and Professional Environment, we listen, respect, understand, empathise and are non judgemental. You will feel safe, connected with a space to be who you are.


Would you like help with direction? Have you felt lost, confused, bit low or just not sure who you are? are you trying to juggle and not sure where to start? Struggling with what direction to turn to or scared at what you are facing. We can help you, guide you and give you the tools to understand how you feel and why you feel that way. 

At MYnd Space its all about building rapport, trust and working in a therapeutic professional relationship. 
Hypnotherapy is a great way to re programme your subconscious mind and make permanent positive changes. Life experiences have an influence on how we think and feel today, you won't be aware of how they are connected to your past. At myND SPACE www can help you make those changes. We treat stress, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, smoking. weight issues and many more.  

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